Polyrhachis dives
Polyrhachis dives (Silver/Gold Asian Weaver Ant)
This 'Old World' species is popular in the ant keeping hobby due to its metallic sheen apperance. This is normally characterised by shiny yellow/silver banding across its gaster (rear). The contrast between this and its grey-black colouration throughout the rest of the body makes it a rather attractive species to observe.
Weaver ant? What's that about? Similarly but not to the same extent, Polyrhachis dives exhibits a very interesting behaviour of weaving in their daily nest activities, especially amongst larger colonies past the 30-50 worker stage in which brood is abundant. This is due to the reason that the worker caste of these ants will actually use their larvae's silk spinning properties by enticing them to create a web-like substance. This is then used for a a whole range of "household chores" - from collecting wood shavings to create a secure nest to intertwining chambers and tunnels that the ants will actually walk through!
In the wild, nests are often found amongst low lying shrubs and ground dwelling plants and foliage.
Lastly did you know that these ants actually don't have a stinger! Instead they have something we Entomologists call an 'acidopore'. From this concavity at the rear of the ant, they can spray and secrete formic acid! So when they get a little agitated or aggresive you will be able to observe their natural aggresion pose in which the ant bends her gaster forwards towards its predator/intruder. Almost like a pistol!
This being said, they are a generally docile species of ant that is suitable for beginners looking to get into exotic ant species or more experienced enthusiasts alike. In terms of growth they are quite fast to develop once the colony reaches 30 workers and over. Due to the nature of their natural environment being tropical, these ants are active throughout the entire year, thus not requiring hibernation.
It is illegal and strictly frowned upon to release any non-native ants into the wild.