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Myrmoterras binghamii  (Mini Trap Jaw Ant)

Myrmoterras binghamii (Mini Trap Jaw Ant)


Myrmoterras binghamii  (Mini Trap Jaw Ant)


This Mini Trap Jaw Ant is unlike any of its Ponerine counterparts (i.e. Odontomachus and Harpegnathos spp.) as this species belongs to the Formicinae subfamily. Individuals have evolved different trap jaw mechanisms to adapt to their leaf-litter, cryptic environments. Like most other trap jaw ant species, Myrmoteras latch their jaws open while the large closer muscle loads potential energy in a spring, which enables it snap shut at an incredible speed. However, these mandibles are slender and spiny too, which allwos them to trap fast moving prey such as springtails. 


Moreover, whilst small in size overall, workers and queens have very large eyes which aid in the hunting and capture of their prey, almost giving an "alien" like impression. 


Mature colonies are no bigger than a couple hundred individuals at most. These are often found on surface of tropical rainforests and their fringes. Most notably, amongst the leaf litter and decaying bark. 


Colonies often do not adapt well to man made formicariums such as Acrylic based setups. Instead, it is advised to keep these in Ytong, Plaster or Bio-Active habitats. 


To ensure your colony thrives, it's recommended to keep this species at 24-26C and a humidity level of 60%. Springtail cultures should also be added regularly to ensure a constant supply of livefood. 


All in all, an unusual, primitive looking species of ant that would undoubtedly diversify one's collection. 


It is illegal and strictly frowned upon to release any non-native ants into the wild.



Healthy Queens (1).png

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